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“HAITC面对面”之“国际旅游大讲堂”第四讲开讲预告——John A.Kirchner教授系列讲座

日期:2017年11月24日 00:00 点击:



一、主讲人:约翰柯克纳(John A.Kirchner)教授



Talk 1: "National Parks of the Sierra Nevada and the Desert Southwest."

讲座时间:2017.11.28 14:30-17:30




Talk 2: "Thirty Years of Rail Travel in China: A Geographer's Perspective."

讲座时间:2017.11.29 19:00-22:00




Talk 3: "In the footsteps of Charles Darwin: National Parks in Patagonia and the Galapagos Islands."

讲座时间:2017.12.02 8:30-11:30







附一:John A.Kirchner教授简介

约翰柯克纳(John A. Kirchner)教授,出生于美国加州旧金山,在圣何塞州立大学获得学士学位,在芝加哥大学获得硕士和博士学位。Kirchner教授是加州州立大学地球科学和环境系的名誉教授。Kirchner教授的教学方向和研究兴趣主要有交通地理学,自然景观、生态旅游和特殊的兴趣旅游、热带农业以及聚焦在发展中国家的环境与发展问题。他在美国,亚洲,欧洲以及拉丁美洲作为团体旅游的开发者和导游,拥有丰富的经验。他还被国际上认可为一名优秀的摄影师;他的摄影作品出现在很多书籍,杂志和报纸上。



Talk 1 "National Parks of the Sierra Nevada and the Desert Southwest."

Introduction and Part I

  1. Background and brief history of the National Park System in theUnited States. The importance of volunteer park support by the American public, including special support foundations that funnel money to the system.

  2. The National Parks of the Sierra Nevada – Yosemite NP, Sequoia NP, and Kings Canyon NP, a visual exploration.

  3. The Sierra Nevada by Rail and Air, including a discussion of the Chinese contribution to building the First Transcontinental Railroad and volunteer NP rangers who lecture aboard long-distance passenger trains.

  4. A brief look at adjacent areas of great geological and vegetation interest.

Part II

1. National Parks of the Desert Southwest – Death Valley NP, Mojave National Preserve, Joshua Tree NP (in California), Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, and Saguaro NP (in Arizona), and Big Bend NP (in Texas).

2. Some NP rules and regulations relating to park use, including restrictions of various kinds, and access limits to certain areas.











Talk 2 "Thirty Years of Rail Travel in China: A Geographer's Perspective."

I – Background

  1. My professional experience as an academic in the travel and tourism industries: a tour developer and tour leader with experience in more than 20 countries.

  2. Special Interest Tourism – has many different focuses, from interests like photography, bird watching, trekking, mountain climbing, etc. I myself like nature photography and railway photography.

  3. While I have extensive experience with student travel, my main interest has been in transportation, that is travel where the trains (and planes and ships) that we see or travel on are our primary interest. Railway enthusiast travel is a huge business in the North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and Japan. I have been involved in GIT (Group Incentive Travel) all over the world—where we go to ride and photograph trains. What we like best varies from person to person, but for many the old steam locomotives have been favorite topics.

  4. In 1986 a group of university presidents from the Chinese Ministry of Railways university system visited my university, California State University, Los Angeles, and I acted as host professor because of my background, which included working for the Santa Fe Railway system (today Burlington Northern Santa Fe - BNSF). In 1987 I traveled to China for the first time, participating in a tour of Chinese railways authorized by the Ministry of Railways, and then stayed on in China afterwards to lecture at Northern Jiaotong University in Beijing and the Shanghai Institute of Railway Technology.

Thus began a fascination with China and travel, when possible by train, throughout much of China. Today’s presentation is a visual exploration of China, starting with the experiences of 1987, and thus is a work of history, for some of what you will see will be things of the past—a China so different from that of today.

  1. 1987 - HKG, Zhengzhou, Xuchang, Yellow River, Tiayuan, Datong, Beijing, Changchun, Harbin, Mudanjiang, Shenyang, Anshan, and Shanghai. A close-up look at railroads and railroading in 1980’s China, including people, landscapes, and towns and cities.

  2. The lecture will then continue with samples from my many Chinese trips.

    a. Student travel along the Silk Road to Xinjiang, including Urumqi, Kashkar, Korla, and Turpan

    b. The trains of Inner Mongolia in winter.

    c.The streetcars of Dalian, my favorite city in China.

    d. Train travel on top of the world - Tibet.

    e. A little train in Sichuan Province becomes famous - China’s first “steam-powered railway preservation line.”

    f. My favorite Chinese national park - Sanqingshan, Jiangxi Province.

    g. Yulong Jade Snow Mountain–Yunnan Province.

    h. Sandaoling–a coal mine in Xinjiang, China.

    i. By train to Haikou and Hainan Island – the railway train ferry.







Talk 3 "In the footsteps of Charles Darwin: National Parks in Patagonia and theGalapagos Islands."

  1. The narrative starts with Charles Darwin’s famous “Voyage of the Beagle,”

    a journey around southern South of America and to the Galapagos Islands, during which time Darwin made observations that that led to his famous work on the theory of evolution.

  2. The lecture covers national parks in Argentine and Chilean Patagonia, including

    glaciers of the South Patagonian Ice Field (Argentina and Chile) and Torres del Paine NP (in Chile).

  3. Consideration is given the seismic activity along the Pacific side of South

    America, with the greatest earthquakes ever recorded.

  4. The focus then shifts briefly to Ecuador and then the “hot spot” volcanic Galapagos Islands off the west coast, and to the incredible diversity of wildlife found there.

  5. A detailed look at the bird life is included, including the fascinating evolution of “Darwin’s Finches,” which show great diversity evolving from a singular ancestor.

  6. Lastly is a focus on the giant long-lived land tortoises of the islands, the famed “Galapagos” that give the volcanic islands their name.



        1. 从讲述达尔文著名的贝格尔号航行开始,这场航行始于美国南部一直到加拉巴哥群岛(位于厄瓜多尔西部),就是这场航行给了达尔文仔细观察的机会,才有了后来知名的进化论。

        2. 讲座将覆盖阿根廷和智利的巴塔哥尼亚等地的国家公园,包括南巴塔哥尼亚冰原冰川公园、智利的百内国家公园。

        3. 进一步了解环太平洋地震带的南美部分,这里曾经发生多次大型地震。

        4. 然后焦点转到拉丁美洲的厄瓜多尔,在这里“热点”火山产生的加拉巴哥群岛不断远离西海岸,同样在这里呈现了不可思议的生物多样性。

        5. 详细介绍鸟类,尤其是有着惊人的演化史的“达尔文雀”。

        6. 最后压轴的是岛上巨大的乌龟,“加拉巴哥(Galapagos)”在西班牙语里的意思就是“乌龟”,这座著名的火山群岛以岛上的乌龟命名。
